So who's behind all this?

We are all pets owners — no exceptions! That is why we care so much about the quality of our products. Our dogs and cats are part of the team — they are the first testers and reviewers.

Meet the team



Chairman of the Board, Owner Ayla & AYLA

Work is her passion, which is why for the second decade she explores the meanders of human minds, emotions, behaviors and determinants of decisions.

Nuances, understatements, changes and novelties are, on the other hand, playthings for her mind and analysis. A life-threatening illness of several years has made her want every day only to “want and not have to” and courageously reach for what she believes in. In everyday activities, she very rarely accepts compromises, but she is resolute and extremely demanding, both from herself and from others. She values loyalty from the heart and respect from choice, and is captivated by the truthfulness in people invariably.



Creator of Opportunities

Sensitivity and openness combined with the world of business creates unbridled opportunities for her. She is the soul of the projects she carries out, giving them tone and momentum, while meticulously pursuing the chosen goals.

She is full of handfuls of professionalism and lots of experience seasoned with a few pinches of heart, optimism and inspiration. Relationships with people and animals are her driving force for change, development, self-creation, and in her work she combines rationalism with empathy in relationships with the high skills and aspirations of a specialist in her field.



Quality Master

Music creates, determines and defines her. She is simply a sentient and all-encompassing artistic sensibility with an analytical, goal-focused mind.

She takes great care of the quality of our products. In her daily activities, she divides her attention and heart between music, family and AYLA. Her presence gives us peace of mind and confidence of perfection in our product.



Art Creator

The ethereality of personality and the goliath of artistry, grace and elegance in the world of graphics.

Her sensitivity, subtlety of message and form, and delicacy make AYLA blossom with grace and artistic expression meaning more than a thousand words. A sensitive heart and an open mind allow her to rise to the skies of business creations in AYLI's projects.



Frame Catcher

Looking at the world through the lens of the camera, she sees the depth and unusualness that escapes us in the rush of everyday life.

The paintings created by her make AYLA live a holiday of unforgettable colors and unusual emotions. Optimism, smile and flexibility in working with her inspire, encourage exploration and appreciation of novelties. With her works, she takes us into the world of magical visual sensations.



Driving Force

He is a stronghold of calm, rationalism and a business visionary of the AYLA brand. Professionalism in relations with partners, openness to innovation, trust in employees and colleagues and the voice of reason are his strength in many areas of activity

He believes wholeheartedly in the projects she undertakes and is committed with all her heart, and Ayla stole his male heart almost 4 years ago, which is why she now creates AYLA for Ayla with turquoise idealism.